
Escort Rates in Kolkata

Are you tired of regular work pressure in the office? Did your mind get jammed? Searching for a source of relaxation? Why not get your nerves pampered in a play way manner? Give a trial with our Escort rates Kolkata. Our girls are well trained and highly experienced in the field of providing the best massage service to their clients. Their soft and naughty touch will shoo away all your tiredness and finally letting you start the next day with refreshed energy.

2 Hours


per shoot

  • Single Shot
  • 2 Hours Time
  • Sexy Talk
  • Cum in Mouth
  • Blowjob & Handjob
  • Long Drive
  • Take to PUB & BAR
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3 Hours


full night

  • Single Shot
  • 2 Hours Time
  • Sexy Talk
  • Sexy Talk
  • Blowjob & Handjob
  • Long Drive
  • Take to PUB & BAR
Book Now

Full Night


3 shoot

  • Single Shot
  • 2 Hours Time
  • Sexy Talk
  • Sexy Talk
  • Blowjob & Handjob
  • Long Drive
  • Take to PUB & BAR
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